I've been full of anticipation for this day ever since I started stitching this sampler which is quite uncharacteristic for me - you see, today is the day that Nicola picks the 'winner' of the neat little box that was the incentive for starting this sampler when I was home sick ... the deal was that the more often you post on your progress on her blog the more chances you get to 'win'.... well, the box is really neat...
We have been through some rough times lately and I guess my defenses were down when I read about the giveaway -being sick and all- so I started yet another project (this sampler) and learned how to post and then started this blog within a few days of my first post on her blog....and in a way that alone is a 'win' because not only did I gain the benefit of this experience but also got to 'meet' a number of you through emails. I am thankful for all your kind comments.
The thing is that I usually do not 'win' things ... I've been known to have let other people in front of me out of politeness and then they 'won' with the raffle tickets that would have been theoretically in my hand - This has happened more than once so maybe this will be the time??! I just can't believe that I am so excited about this idea of possibly 'winning' it... my husband said that I should just buy it but that wouldn't be the same ... it is a 'karma' thing I guess or at least that is what I made it up to be in my mind.... this is getting too complicated to write about so here is the progress after last night's stitching :
- just have the band I had skipped over before to finish half of this fairly long sampler now....
Elizabeth Harborne - Day 18
The Song of my Needle |
Elizabeth Harborne - Day 18
The Song of my Needle |
This is the last band on Page 1 completed
Elizabeth Harborne - Day 18
The Song of my Needle
I had stopped stitching the dark blue band for various reasons - the Holbein/double running stitches were charted over two threads for the larger motifs but actually changed position on the stem like connection to the base stitches so one could not easily stitch the alternating bands in a reversible fashion in a sequential way. The only way to stitch it sequentially over two would be to make a thicker stem connection which is not how it was charted - example on the left side of the band (shown below) ... this way also made the larger motif look fatter.
So, to 'solve' this issue, I opted to stitch all the smaller motifs across the entire band first and then come back to stitch the larger motifs as charted, changing the needle position to make the stem thinner the way it was charted... looked nicer than the thicker stem ... interesting compensation to make the design look more cohesive...
Elizabeth Harborne - Day 18
The Song of my Needle |
So, here is that row completed
Elizabeth Harborne - Day 18
The Song of my Needle |
.... wish me luck!... hopefully I'll 'win' .... thank goodness HOPE springs eternal! ;)
Have a good weekend!